I know...
It's been awhile.
I'm not even going pretend there's a schedule anymore. I'm just stuck on my bed because my recovering kitty, Toms, has trapped my legs and I was surfing blogs, and then remembered that I had a blog, and then remembered that I hadn't updated in almost a year.
So what have I been doing in Seattle?
Seen a musical, joined a book club, seen some more musicals, took over as organizer for book club, sent out a flurry of resumes, seen another musical, got a temp job for four weeks, seen another musical, thought my book club was going to fail because despite the 75 members I could barely get 6 to show up, was still at that temp job 2 months later, seen another musical, walked, got offered to stay at temp job full time- declined, saw shakespeare in the park, got offered job again and accepted because I FINALLY figured out what it was that we did and didn't think it was stupid, saw some more shakespeare in the park, reached happy point in workload at job, saw another musical, scrambled to make reservations for 30 people who suddenly wanted to read the book at my book club, reached overloaded workload at my job, and then MY KITTY NEEDED SURGERY FOR PLAYING WITH STRING!!!!!!!
That happened.
I'll tell you, skip this paragraph if you don't want to be grossed out. If the string is thin and gets wrapped around the tongue when kitty foolishly swallows it, it doesn't stop getting digested. So one end stays wrapped around the tongue and the other end goes until it can't stretch anymore. This can get really bad. Luckily, I freaked out because Toms wouldn't stop throwing up and took him to the vet who cut the string and then when it didn't pass told me he needed surgery to get it out of his intestines.
I was so sad when I had to go home without him.
Miranda Nox (yeah her name changed, she goes around making a "meera" noise all the time and when I talk back it evolved into Miranda) spent the first day and night super cuddly and enjoying only child time. Next day she systematically went around the apartment meowing looking for Toms. Apparently, cats recover better at home so they let me take him home the next night.
He must have smelled too much like vet but I was not pleased with her. It took her two days to be nice to him again.
He has also been spending work days in my closet. He's just like a little Harry Potter, except with a cone around his head.
He seems ok now but he gets closet time until stitches come out next week.
Anyway that's what's been going on. I like my job now, am getting serious musical fixing, and am reading books I wouldn't have read before. Maybe this will turn into a review of those, but probably not.
I'll try not to wait another year before posting again.

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