Hello all!
So did you miss me? I know you did. I'm sorry for not updating you about the rest of my U.S. trip. I suppose I could do a flashback for y'all when I get bored, later but I didn't really feel like writing for a long while. Freaking out about the becoming an adult and moving out with no real future plans will do that to you I guess.
I'm still in the midst of a funk and probably will be until I get a job and can pretend that I'm a productive member of society again, but since i went outside today and the Seattle air was nice and crisp and cold I guess I got inspired to babble a little on this.
So here's what I did to move to Seattle.
I got on a plane November 4th and booked a stay at a hotel for 6 days. I did not buy a return ticket. I checked in Thursday night, looked up some places on the internets, found that the cheapest one available happened to be in the neighborhood in the middle of everything and a convinient two blocks from my hotel, and walked by it in my search for a subway sandwich.
Friday morning, after dithering for a good two hours, I worked up the nerve to call the manager, asked to see it and two hours later got my application all turned in and was basically guaranteed the place unless I turned out to have a criminal record. ---Which I don't. Which gave me 5 days to start panicking. The only way to appease this was to go to movies. I saw 6 movies in those 5 days. (yeah, I might have seen Megamind twice in 3 days...sorry it was AMAZING). I was able to sign a lease by the next Thursday and then I immediately flew home to hang out with my family for Thanksgiving.
Fastforward to the Friday after Thanksgiving and you got me, my mom, my gramma, and two kittens (of which there will be a post later) on a roadtrip to move me in. We get in Saturday night...unpack everything in two hours and had an excellent dinner at Assagio's, where we all almost got the gnocchi until I caved and decided to try something else. Sunday we went to IKEA!!!! and got a futon and I treated them all to see "A Christmas Story: The musical".
Now, I hated "A Christmas Story ":the movie. I LOVED "A Christmas Story: the musical". Apparently all I need is for a whiney little kid who's definitely gonna shoot his eye out in the end of the movie was for his motivations to be translated into song and dance. Yup, I'm that kind of person. SORRY I CAN APPRECIATE TALENT.
Monday morning my family left me to my inevitable freak out and I've so far applied to a job every other day (yeah so I applied to two jobs, it'll be more) because, even though I can survive to lounge around for a year, I can't deal with being perceived as useless and staying in my pj's all day. Also...I can't afford to go to the movies every day to make me go outside.
I think I'm gonna switch it up and go see The Nutcracker because my apartment is only 7 blocks from the ballet showhouse thingy. (it has a real name I just don't remember what it is and I doubt you care). =P
I'll write some more mindnumbingly detailed posts about my life later.I'll introduce you to my cats, give you some great shots of the cities I've been to and the city I'm in, etc. Until then...
Ciao ciao.
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