Thursday, January 28, 2010

Frustrated Rant #1

So there were three puppies today! (Btw I doubt I’m going to post every day. I’m just bored now and am on a roll.) There was this adorable terrier puppy (actually a puppy) that probably should not have been running around campus without a leash but hey he was cute anyway. There was a playful boxer named Roxy that I almost got to pet because it was with a fellow coworker. Sadly he was just watching it for someone else and I didn’t want to be too much of a creeper. And then there was a random one that was not quite as adorable as the other two. Weirdly it was off a leash too, which I don’t understand when you live in a neighborhood with bad college drivers and narrow hilly streets.

Sadly no real douchebags today. I mean I got kicked out of my table at LuValle 5 minutes earlier then I was planning on it but hey, I was leaving anyway.

So I’m going to take this opportunity to bitch about the abortion issue. If you get offended then stop reading. I don’t generally give my opinion about controversies like this because I try to respect others opinions no matter how retarded they may be. Which is why I get doubly pissed off when some born-again tries to tell me that people are horrible for believing in a woman’s right to choose and thinking its wrong for some asshole with a “mission” to shoot a doctor point blank. Which is really why I’m all riled up today.

My awesome new phones sends me headlines that I can just scroll through and I came across this little gem today “Lesser charges barred in abortion doc killing: A judge has ruled that a jury cannot consider a lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter” 1) What the hell is voluntary manslaughter? If you intend to kill someone in anything other than self defense (and even then it still better be a semi accident split-second decision) than you’re a murderer and deserve to be tried as one. 2) Why does a judge even have to lay down the law on this?

That doubled with a Facebook status thread about some dumb bitch who thinks that women are weak and that there are plenty of women out there who can’t get pregnant so abortions should be illegal means I’m feeling pretty frustrated today. I mean don’t consider at all our shitty foster care system and the overcrowded orphanages or the poverty in other countries at all.

It just pisses me off so much that people think they are right and everyone else is not only wrong, but heathens, for trying to take the world on a situation by situation basis instead of condemning entire groups of people without even trying to sympathize with both sides of the issue.

And yes…I haven’t completely ignored the child when thinking about this. Personally I would probably keep it if I ended up pregnant. But I think bringing one into this world without being as prepared as possible for taking care of it, loving it, and providing for it is irresponsible and abusive. If “God” meant for it to be the next Einstein, or Roosevelt or Hitler or Charles Manson or whatever then he/she/it/they would have followed through and made sure it was born.

Anyway, it was nice to get that out. I‘m pretty clear on what I believe but I never take the opportunity of calling people out on their shit because despite this rant I do understand why people can be so against it. I just don’t think that one person’s thoughts, especially ones so entrenched in religious brainwashing, should legislate for the rest of the country.

Ok I’m done now. I’m gonna Google some pictures of puppies to make me feel better.


  1. Well... except the little kids at the Rose Bowl decked out in Bruin gear. That's a child I'd take.
