After winding through thoughts and countries for the past year or so, I'm finally starting to settle down in Seattle. If you are dying to know what P and D stands for then refer to first post. I've strayed from the original intent of this blog and my life is more about kittens and the kindness of strangers now but I can't let go of the name that finally inspired me to write (if you call this "writing" and my sporadic postings "inspired")
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Seattle/ Portland 9/19-9/21
Sunday was our first full day in Seattle and we started off the day by heading straight back to Japonessa to indulge in bacon wrapped scallops and other various goodies that we missed out on the night before...but mostly the bacon wrapped scallops. Mmmmmmmm
Following that we walked to Pioneer Square to take Bill Spiedel's underground tour which takes us into the first level of downtown Seattle's history. Down there we got to see the various refuse of generations past and the interesting methods of reconstruction while enjoying never ending puns, which I adored. The only complaint I had was that it was too short so do it if you have the opportunity.
Afterwards we took an adventure up to Smith tower which was much more afraid of heights friendly than the space needle and got some great shots of the city, of which i'll show you later. Then we meandered over to the first nordstrom's ever and looked around a little before ending our day, a little flatly, with johnny rockets in the adjacent mall. We were going to go down to the waterfront but an epic hunt for a restroom eventually led us back to our hotel before we could enjoy the water up close.
Sunday night we decided to go to Portland on Monday, despite the fact that the only public transportation available there was the Amtrak, which is more expensive then we would of liked...but rumors of voodoo donuts and delicious Bunk's sandwiches lured us there anyway and we had an awesome 6 hours exploring the tax free state of Oregon and more specifically the fare free square of Portland. My favorite would have had to been Powell's City of Books. Which is a giant maze of used and new books. Because of the overwhelming experience of trying to choose, I chose an old favorite from Freshman year that borrowed from my roomie and always wanted to own myself, Stupid and Contagious. Read half of it on the trip back to Seattle.
We had signed up for a savor Seattle tour for Monday morning and it was awesome! Basically it was the free samples guide of Pike's market...except we paid for the not exactly free. But I have favorite restaurants there now so I'm good to go!!!!
After the tour we went back and explored Pike's a little more and discovered the Gum Wall! I got gum on my pants so I was not entirely pleased with this discovery but it was pretty cool to look at and we each contributed to the expanding wall o gum. Can't wait to show you guys pictures! I'm flying back October 2nd so except them on the 3rd.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Off I go....again
As you may have noticed, I am not technically savvy on my new, amazing, wonderful, ipad yet, and instead of changing the whole name and domain again I think I'm just going to change the title. And instead of changing the title the way I want to i'm just going to change it the best way I can, which probably reflects my actual style better.
Also, you may have noticed that I have returned from Italy and am now back in my own U.S.of A. But to make things interesting I've decided to explore my own country a bit. I left L.A. on a jet plane yesterday morning and arrived in San Francisco to await my friend, the original pancakestacker herself so we could explore Seattle, Washington D.C., New York, and Boston before heading home so I could face up to real life.
After a series of bad experiences at sfo in the 3 hours I was there I got kind of tired out pretty quickly, not gonna lie. First there was a semi power outage as soon as I got off the plane so my hungry self couldn't get into any of the delicious fast food airport restaurants so I "decided" to make my way over to my connecting flight's gate. It took me an hour...AN HOUR to get from the gate I landed at to the gate I needed to be at and I had to go through security again. So I was starving, and because Virgin America is in the international terminal for now, I had to content myself with a salad from one of those pseudo fancy airport restaurants. If I have to eat crappy fast food I want GOOD crappy fast food. Then I got to sit and listen to the loudspeakers. From the unintelligible stewardess from Korean Air to the way too laid back stewards and stewardesses from Virgin America, I wasn't exactly inspired to fly.
But we got through it and landed in rainy Seattle around 5 pm. The airport here was very easy to get around in and pretty too, and our hotel was close by so we were able to get settled and work on hunting up a place to eat relatively quickly.
We chose a place called Japonessa sushi bar and we liked it so much we're going back one day to try out the bacon wrapped delicacies for lunch.
That's it for now... Ta ta
Oh and a warning. I won't be able to put pictures up till after I get back but I'm going to try and not let that stop me from posting at all.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Amalfi 09/04/10

Perugia 09/01-09/04

Deiva Marina - Apartment 2 08/28-08/31
Friday, September 3, 2010
Deiva Marina- Apartment 1 - 08/22-08/27
Monday I decided to explore and find out the hikes they are advertising and how far the beach goes and where all the stores are. I got some good photos. and the church was visible from almost everywhere which was good because its literally right around the corner. Also...there are cats everywhere so obviously I like this place.
Tuesday, Gramma and I decided to head to Cinque Terra. You can take the train and about 3 stops from us is Monterosso and 5 stops from us is Riomaggiore (the first and last towns of Cinque Terra). We decided to go to Riomaggiore and work our way back and we decided to leave at 11:45...Of course the train doesn't get to the station until 12:30 and then it stops and forces everyone off in the middle town Corneglia which is one of the higher towns. In order to get to ANYTHING you need to walk 300 something steps up, take the bus, or follow the road the bus takes up. The crowd for the bus was too intimidating and we weren't even sure that was an option so we decided to walk up the bus route which is windy and what not. It would NOT have been the bad if we knew where we were going. We had a bad experience 5 years ago when we accidently decided to walk from Monterosso to Vernazza which is about a 3 hour hike but we didn't know that when we started. So any hike like thing where we can't see the end makes everything about 5 times worse that it is. But we got there and found a restaurant immediately so gramma's short term memory kicked in and everything was A OK.

Once we got recharged we explored the town a little and everything was really pretty and all the little shops were very tempting. But since I was coming back then I held out. I ended up walking the steps down to the station while gramma took the bus and we headed back to Deiva Marina to eat some more.
Wednesday morning I went back to the beach (the free beach this time) and got a place right in front. Sadly the morning mist never really cleared up so I went back to the apt. to eat and take a nice delightful nap.
Thursday we went back to Cinque Terra and made it to Riomaggiore which is a very steep and narrow city but we managed. Found another pizza place so I was happy and we explored the town. Riomaggiore is famous for their Via Del Amore but they CHARGE you to walk it so we said screw that and went up to Monterosso where we couldn't figure out how to get into the town proper but we sat at a gelato place by the beach. And then we went back to Deiva Marina

Friday we spent at the apartment. packing up and getting ready for moving up to the next apartment in the area where we would be joined by a friend of Gramma's and our American-born Italian friend who helped us arrange everything.
I know you want details about the food we made but I need to regroup and arrange pictures so maybe when I get back (to be real, I care more about eating foods then sharing details about preparation so we'll see)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Mantua-Deiva Marina 08/21/2010

Once we finally got into Deiva Marina we quickly moved into our apartment for the week. It’s so nice to have my own room (I mean tonight I’m sharing it but for the next 4 or 5 days its all mine.) And grocery shopping and cooking for ourselves and having a kitchen where I can just grab what I want without having everyone knowing about it will be just divine. The apartment is within walking distance to the beach and is very small and there are a lot of younger people here. I’ll go on a photo tour tomorrow and will keep you updated. No wifi here either but we have a tv here although I don’t think I’ll be watching much of it.
OH! And the church is right next door. I’m reminded because the bells go every half hour and a couple of times already today they’ve been joyfully ringing.
Verona 08/20/10
We drove to a bed and breakfast about 20 miles from Verona and unpacked, claimed out beds, and decided to drive to a nearby sightseeing joint which was an old fortress town bordering a very very large lake between Trento and Verona, Lago de Guarda. We walked around, talked about the differences between Americans and Italians, ate, and tried not to buy those stupid touristy things. Today was the first time I was served a whole fish and I almost couldn’t it because it’s little head was looking at me. But I got over it and it was good although I think I’ll try to avoid that experience again.
Afterwards we drove back to the bed and breakfast and took a little nap before getting ready to see Turnadot in the Verona Arena, which is the only reason we made the trip to Verona. We left a few hours early so that we could explore the city but ominous thundering noises went on all during our nap (although it was dry where we were) as we got closer to the city it started to rain, and then its started to rain harder, and then we ended up stuck in the parking lot for two hours of anxiously glancing up at the sky looking for any lighting up of the rain and counting the seconds between the lighting and thunder, which was close. Finally at 8 we decided to get out of the car because it looked like there was a break in the storm and we wanted to make sure of what was going on with the opera which would start at 9. We were able to rush order a pizza from a pizzeria (which does NOT happen in Italy a lot let me tell you) and get into the Arena. It was still drizzling at 9 but the stage hands were mopping up the set and preparing to get ready so we were still hopeful. If they start the opera and play for 5 minutes they can cancel the show and not give you a refund so we were wondering if we were sitting in the cold and wet to get played. But they got everything ready and started at 9:40 and everything went beautifully from there.
Last time we came in 2005 we saw Aida and were caught in a very violent downpour about 30 minutes before the show that completely soaked us but stopped right before so we sat through the night shivering and wet so I guess this time was a much better deal. The Verona theater has a tradition of having the audience light candles while they turn off all the lights at the beginning of the show because that’s how they arena was lit hundreds of years ago. They didn’t do it this year which made me sad but I still have the memory from before.
Roncone Days 6, 7, and 8
Had lunch with one of gramma’s cousins today. She made homemade gnocchi in a buttery cream sauce and chicken and sausage and everything was delicious but much too much. I was going to go the lake and read afterwards but it started to rain again and forced me back inside (when we finally got home around 4). Then we hosted dinner at the hotel again for some more cousins and went to bed.
08/18/2010 –
We went to an agritur (a restaurant or hotel that grows or raises all their own food) and had polenta but their portions were much too large and honestly not very good. (too salty we think) We did, however, learn about a problem the bees in Italy have been having though so it was pretty educational I guess. Got home late, stuffed, so we went to have a light (ha) dinner at the hotel, which was still too much.
08/19/2010 –
Kidnapped by family again. Went to a small town near Tione and had coffee and bought touristy things before going back to Tione and eating proper homemade polenta with family. Got back around 2, packed a little, and went into town to say goodbyes to various cousins. Met some awesome cuddly dogs and came back and finished packing as we have an early start tomorrow.
Also I decided to explore the U.S. with a friend when I go back in September. Our plans were thwarted at first when the Jet Blue “all you can fly” deal sold out literally minutes before we were able to get in touch with each other, but it looks like we’re going to try and do something like that anyway. I’m excited but worried that the permanent move to Seattle might have to be postponed (although it’s not like there’s anything waiting for me there anyway). Maybe a mysterious job will just fall into my lap. Hmmmm…
Roncone -Days 4 and 5 08/15, 08/16
The day started off pretty and that lasted until about lunch. After a nap at the hotel we walked about a block of the mile to the piazza before we realized the rain was just getting worse and we trudged back to the hotel. That night we had cancelled dinner plans at the hotel because they were making special town-made polenta (a heated ground corn meal with various spices and specks of meat thrown in). With the rain though we were out of luck and ended up huddled in a friends living room with about 6 other friends and family, showing old family pictures and making fun of each other. If I understood just a bit more Italian I might have come away with a blind date with her “best” grandson. As it was, when the rain let up we all went out to hear the town band play (in which he played) and see the status of polenta- making (which was postponed until Monday.) After being devoted fans for about a half hour we all split up with our goodies and went home. Gramma and I contented ourselves on a dinner of fries, which, after all the food we’ve had to eat in the past week, was pretty awesome.
Monday all we did was hang out with family in Tione. Got to meet two large (came up to my hip large) German Shepherds; and then we all watched Flipper in Italian. It’s been raining off and on every day since we got here which makes sitting by the lake and reading while working on my tan kind of impossible. Instead there’s a lot of eating, sleeping, and gossiping with the Italian fambam. Which is just as fun as I’m learning a lot about my family.
Roncone -Day 3 08/14/2010
Luckily for me, I had enough sense to walk back beforehand where I met Gramma outside and we decided to eat lunch at the hotel instead of wander the streets looking for cousins to feed us. Here’s another menu of what they fed us. There were two different versions of the second course and gramma got one and I got the other so we didn’t eat ALL of this.
The food as always was good and cheesey and delightfully easy to eat and afterwards we got some pretty spectacular thunderstorms to wake us up at night.
Roncone -Day 2 08/13/2010
Aside from sleeping in till 10:30 because it was raining and we accidently left the shutters closed which made the room pitch black, we had a pretty productive day here. (Although, in all fairness, I probably would have slept until noon if I had the chance so I suppose I shouldn’t be making excuses about shutters).
After lunch we were supposed to just go back to the hotel but Gramma decided to visit a cousin (forgetting that they would be in the middle of lunch) and the host quickly deduced that if she didn’t like the answer Gramma gave she would look at me and nod and I would automatically say “Si.” We almost had to eat another 5- course lunch. We escaped (literally) and took a nap back at the hotel and walked around again at 4 when everything was open. We visited the cousin again at a more appropriate time and spent about a half hour drinking coffee, eating desert, and arranging for an actual lunch this time (despite the fact that we spent 10 minutes trying to say no. I kept my mouth shut this time but I probably would have saved time by just saying yes because resistance was futile. I’m now looking forward to gnocchi for lunch on Tuesday. The lunch instead of dinner was probably the only concession we got.)

Roncone 08/12/10
Last time I wrote it was 08/11/10 in Savignone….we didn’t do much the rest of that night except visit the local church which was also having a festival. Gramma and I won three things at the lottery the church was holding after mass (one of them was a toddler’s pink scunchie so I don’t know if we should count that…but hey, it’s better than nothing, right?). It looked like everyone in the town came out for the event and to gossip after mass, which I found refreshing after my lonesome city-life where you were lucky if you knew your neighbor.